Tempered Glass Specials
Take 15% off Outdoor Tabletop Tempered Glass up to ¼” thick through June 30th, 2014.
Take 15% off Outdoor Tabletop Tempered Glass up to ¼” thick through June 30th, 2014.
Precision Glass and Shower would like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving by offering you savings on any of your glass needs this Holiday Season. Please visit our Specials Page for more details.
Contact us today to save 10% off any custom frameless shower enclosure or semi-frameless shower enclosure.
Come meet with Precision Glass and Shower when Scioto Valley presents
the 2013 Columbus Dispatch Home & Garden Show.
Glass Specials Visit our new website soon for a new special offer on custom glass from Precision Glass and Shower. You can view the page here: